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The Learning in Real Time "Playground" features a selection of tools for real-time learning, meeting, and collaboration which you can try out and use right here for free on the site. If you have read Learning in Real Time or are new to the spectrum of synchronous tools, you'll enjoy the chance to actually try learning in real time.

We will be updating this "Featured" Playground area with new virtual venues to explore shortly. In the mean time, sign up for the Real Time Minute (see above right) and we'll let you know when the Playground's featured area is ready to explore. You can also head over and login to, a free community with lots of real-time tools like instant messengers, virtual classrooms, virtual offices and meeting rooms. All open, all the time.

Real Time Minute


Stay tuned to the Real Time Minute for the latest episode of reflections and tips on real-time collaboration and learning. Subscribe using the box above so you don't miss an epsiode.

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